30 Mar

It is all around us,
It is surrounding us,
It is omnipresent,
Also omnipotent ?
From a newspaper article to a tweet,
To the stories we tell our friends while we eat…
Media is everywhere
We must be aware.
It is not the 4th power for no reason,
It changes the world in every direction,
It influences our opinions, our way of thinking !
Don’t you dare say it isn’t frightening !
But what is media ? Where does it come from ? How does it work ? How far can it
shape our way of thinking ? Is it dangerous ? Is it a threat to our freedom ? This
first edition will open up the debate. From its history to the strategies it deploys,
from its impact to the dangers lurking in the dark, high school students from
Seconde to Terminale shared their perspectives, their visions, their opinions that
a little team from the LFT has gathered up, in order to enlighten your thoughts.
After having read them, you will be more aware of what you see, hear and read,
and get a better control over your thoughts… or not ? Because, wouldn't you
say that the creation of this magazine is actually an illustration of the 4th power ?
There’s only one option to find out : READ !

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